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  • ... attains an explosive sociopolitical dimension when people from radically different cultures or social backgrounds encounter each...
  • ... if the spectator moves her head during this process then radially patterned distortions are created. In this way the spectators...
  • ... speed. The characters are reflected when reaching a certain radial distance from the viewer, and they start to fade out and...
  • Tesla Electric -
    ... of many world-changing technologies including AC power, radio and the tesla coil. However, it was other shrewd capitalists...
  • Digital Body-Automata -
    ... from the early discovers of molecular phenomena like radium, to the latest developments in DNA manipulation and Human...
  • Lo Yo Yo -
    ... permeates the space we live in. The piece randomly scans the radio broadcast bands producing a real time five channel mix. ...
  • Big father -
    ... and computer networks. This augments the already vast global radio traffic. This new phenomenon is referred to as the...
  • Architext - video
    ... that are being presented in the theater. Thus the sculpture radiates fragments of texts from the current stage production to the...
  • ... of projected shadows which allow participants to scan the radio spectrum of the city with their bodies. As a shadow appears it...
  • ... used computers (or at least, tried) to monitor Russian media, radio, and other communications. (It is believed that today a massive...