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  • Talking Tree -
    ..."Talking Tree" is also a project started with interviews (like "Landing Home in...
  • ...Rodent on Tree TrunkArtist: Lillian F. SchwartzComment:
  • Tree of Knowledge -
    ..."The project Tree of Knowledge explores interactions between art and science by...
  • Syracuse Tree -
    ... is called "Syracuse's Tree", as a reference to the Syracuse...
  • Seed/Tree - video
    ... of a seed growing to become a tree. Each performer moves in his/her...
  • ... was composed of three preserved trees: surveillance, video and...
  • on the base of the tree to write a message type a message in the text box...
  • Pine Family -
    ... of knowing and a recognition of trees as our ancestors and family. An...
  • ... in each location a stump from a tree that had lived over a hundred...
  • Bio-Présence -
    ... the destiny of Biscarosse's elm trees, which is indeed the story of all...