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  • TXTmob -
    TXTmob lets you quickly and easily share txt messages with friends, comrades, and total strangers. The format is similar to an email b-board system. You can sign up to send and receive messages from various groups, which are organized around a range
  • The Telegarden -
    The TeleGarden is an art installation that allows web users to view and interact with a remote garden filled with living plants. Members can plant, water, and monitor the progress of seedlings via the tender movements of an industrial robot arm.
  • Turnstile II creates a virtual gateway where an endless realm of content is generated by the live culling of network objects from HTML pages, live chat and email archives. Through a familiar interface of a typewriter printing characters onto the
  • "TechnoSphere is a 3D model world inhabited by artificial lifeforms created by WWW users. There are thousands of creatures in the world all competing to survive. They eat, fight, mate and create offspring which evolve and adapt to their environment.
  • Snow Globe was the official email announcement for the Whitney Museum's BitStreams and Data Dynamics show, which ran from March 22 through June 10, 2001. It was a microsite in form of an animated snow globe containing information about the show and
  • Virtual Terms -
    Computer-controlled light installation with three LED bars Lower Austria State Academy, St Pölten (A), competition 1992, realization 1997 (after moving to the government district of St Pölten) The installation 'Virtual Terms' was designed for the
  • The Messenger is an Internet driven installation based on early proposals for the electrical telegraph, in particular those made by the Catalan scientist Francesc Salvá. It examines the metaphors encoded within technology, especially lost or
  • Entanglement -
    Entanglement is an interactive installation that consists of two identical neon signs each measuring 182 x 38 cm. The signs simply say the word "Entanglement" a term used in quantum physics to describe the strange property exhibited by two particles
  • Legal Tender -
    Legal Tender (1996) was the first Internet telerobotic laboratory. Visitors to were presented with a pair of US$100 bills, one real the other counterfeit. Users could perform experiments on the bills by registering with an
  • Telematic Manifesto -
    Net-Project The "Telematic Manifesto" is a participatory, collectively-generated Net Document that articulates a vision for the future of Telematic Art as a socio-cultural force in the 21st century. This project investigates Telematic Art as the