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  • ... a user to become mindfully aware of how meaning is arising and changing through their... systems— systems that enable a user to become mindfully aware of how meaning is... UNIVERSITY ART GALLERY BILL SEAMAN: SUSPENDED SENTENCE May 24 – September 13, 2018 MAY 24 – SEPTEMBER...
  • ... (e.g. sad, happy, depressed, etc.). Because blogs are structured in largely standard ways,... finds such a phrase, it records the full sentence, up to the period, and identifies the...
  • Genesis -
    ... incorporated into bacteria, which were shown in the gallery. Participants on the Web could... that was created by Kac by translating a sentence from the biblical book of Genesis into...
  • ... vigorous voice that rises at the end of a sentence. Anger (rage, resentment, displeasure)...
  • ... noted that many of Seaman's works were shown in different states and /or alternate... versions of the work enable the user of the system to substitute different modular... the construction of an audio/visual sentence with 10 segments. Each segment has a...
  • Objects of desire -
    ... Galerija (Moderna galerija Ljubljana / Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana), Ljubljana,... transparent object with the promising Sentence by sentence, second by second, with each...
  • ... and may become distorted to be used as "proof" for various dogmas. Black and... calligraphy is actually unique for each sentence. It's hard to see the variations when you...
  • Poetry Machine -
    ... valuation and the documents found are shown. Poetry Machine is a text generator based... machine doesn't cease. If the user's input contains words that are still... voice reads out the generated text, sentence by sentence. Without the public...
  • Poetry Machine -
    ... modificate the volume, mixíng the sentence, getting destroyed. The work plays with...
  • Virtual Terms -
    ... are successively deciphered, becoming a sentence. By means of computer control,...