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  • ... with their own images. It faced the... video and touchscreen trees. The... images of freeways in Orange County,...
  • ... hanging upside down, who when coming into... of the size and diversity of its many... communities. Melbourne also has the...
  • Centipede
    ... Yarra river in Melbourne.
  • ... between trees and cities, their... in order to manage city structure and...
  • Double Life -
    ... purposes. How does society identify the... bills for his own artistic purposes. How... order to survive, and their true skills that... these people do manage odd moments of...
  • ... Federation Square and animated using five... Festival in Melbourne, the piece...
  • ... water cascaded down over a pane of glass... double entendre and visual pun. A series... on A photograph of Melbourne’s National...
  • Zero City -
    ... and comes back down waiting for a new call... the same way and act as a pack carrying... which they never manage to transfer a...
  • ... submerged within and enhanced by the audio... how an artist can manage it.' - Aleš...
  • ... and even download the footage to a... to intuitively and interactively orient... designed for the Melbourne Museum’s...