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  • ITCH
    ...The ITCH acronym stands for “Interactive Technology – Community Hacking”, and as...
  • Back to Back -
    ... by the fact to naturally lay back to back with a stranger.
  • ..."Time to back-up?" stellt den sehr reduzierten zweiten Teil der Biennale-Arbeit...
  • PegBlocks -
    ... the array of pegs, sliding them back and forth, motion is converted to...
  • Microphone -
    ... the microphone, which "speaks back", and because it is a memory of...
  • Opus Zero -
    ... dialog was played back in the gallery, using a speaker setup...
  • ... facing each other and moving back and forth attached to activating...
  • Dolltalk -
    ... a system that records and plays back the stories. The playback alters... The playback alters the pitch of the child’s voice higher or...
  • Scavengers - video
    ... organic material and bring it back into the life cycle of the eco...
  • ... tour guide, which does not look for the shortest... games, we usually can go back to the latest saved level or just...