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  • ... coherently joined. An effusive and clamorous shower of virtual coins then rewards the viewers. (A. Hegedüs) Winner of the...
  • ... join the fruits, and when they succeed an outpouring of virtual coins rewards them. (A. Hegedüs)
  • ... their respective revolutionary songs. Then secondly a group of coin-operated dispensing machines where one could buy small replicas...
  • ...Jaron Lanier, the musician and scientist who coined the term "Virtual Reality" brings the two worlds of his life, music and technology, together...
  • Tesla Electric -
    ... technologies including AC power, radio and the tesla coil. However, it was other shrewd capitalists such as Thomas Edison,...
  • ... by the movements of your head. The strings are wound up on a coil inside the helmet and can be coiled and uncoiled from outside to...
  • Time Capsule -
    ... programmed identification number and that is integrated with a coil and a capacitor, all hermetically sealed in biocompatible glass....
  • ... in an interactive Sprachspiel (language game), a term coined by Ludwig Wittgenstein in his book Philosophische...
  • Demonstrate -
    ...The project, timed to coincide with the 40th Anniversary of the Free Speech Movement attracted over 4000 online participants from around the...
  • Designed as a large scale video projection (3:12 minutes), like a sonorous moving billboard. It shows 3 times almost the same sequence of images, each time with a different audio. An old photography depicts the image of three children at the beach.