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  • Black Airground -
    A row of three large parachutes were fixed around their perimeter to the floor and continuously inflated with air. A light bulb above each parachute was the only illumination in the installation, and they were individually activated by the pitch and
  • My Black Cat -
    ... of identity, power, and communication.The installation Black_Cat confronts the constitution of subjectivity under the current... subjectivity is built on the affective attachment to media images, as well as on the regimes of surveillance and fear. Andreas...
  • ... may become distorted to be used as "proof" for various dogmas. Black and White is about dissolving the text and pointing to an...
  • Her Long Black Hair -
    ...Janet Cardiff's Her Long Black Hair is a 35-minute journey that begins at Central Park South and transforms an everyday stroll in the park... using photographs to reflect upon the relationship between images and notions of possession, loss, history, and beauty. Each...
  • The Rocktown Scrolls are named after the Pennsylvania coalfield “patch” where I grew up dreaming wondrous dreams while sliding down the ash-dumps. They present colorful pen & ink drawings accompanied with passages selected from a wide range of
  • The Rocktown Scrolls are named after the Pennsylvania coalfield “patch” where I grew up dreaming wondrous dreams while sliding down the ash-dumps. They present colorful pen & ink drawings accompanied with passages selected from a wide range of
  • ...Continuous Sound and Image Moments is a hand-drawn black-and-white animated film loop with no beginning or end. Conceived as a cinematic... Continuous Sound and Image Moments is a hand-drawn black-and-white animated film loop with no beginning or end. Conceived as a cinematic...
  • ... are a series of animation frames painted onto glass; on the black outside disk, rotating in the opposite direction, are cut slits.... The Image Mill is a public sculpture that uses the force and beauty of falling water as the energy to create a moving picture. As water falls...
  • Exhibition Image -
    ...Exhibition ImageArtist: Rafael Lozano-HemmerComment:
  • ... proceed to push into the rubber and change and distort their image. Virtual and real existence are visible at the same time and...