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  • process 18 -
    ... bitforms gallery, Nueva York The Process works explore geometric drawing... c.e.b. reas process 18, 2008 Text, unique custom software, documentation prints and CDs, computer,...
  • ... re-engineering (BPR). Built on the Sensetable platform, Tangible-BPA allows... Tangible Business Process Analyzer is a collaborative tool for designing what a company's business...
  • hello process! -
    ... dot matrix printer, chain paper and ink The source code of Hello Process! can be found at:... paper and ink The source code of Hello Process! can be found at:...
  • ...tation is an audio-video project which reminds us of the existing emotional states of a human being....
  • LAM -
    ... an on going creative process between the computers surrounding the viewer with light... A network created an on going creative process between the computers surrounding the...
  • ...And so Eduction: the "alien within", as a hybrid architecture of real and virtual, as performance, as... Eduction calls for time, because the process which it has begun will certainly not end...
  • GFP Bunny -
    ...As a transgenic artist, I am not interested in the creation of genetic objects, but on the invention of... is important is the completely integrated process of creating the bunny, bringing her to...
  • ... was conceived as an artistic critique of the political process. Based on the model of the... as an artistic critique of the political process. Based on the model of the political...
  • Universal Zoologies -
    ... that are navigated by people experiencing the work. The project aims to represent emotive,... that have been evolved through a complex process of rule-based selection. These spaces are...
  • Step and Shoot -
    ...Bored by a vision of the world dominated by B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Consumer)... thinking of an “interaction design” process: every time a foot touches what I consider as...