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  • ... of the work were interconnected and closely related. A finely perforated projection screen was visibly divided into sixteen sections. Behind each section was a speaker connected to its own amplifier and tape deck. Sixteen sound tracks were composed and...
  • ... reservoir of rippling water. The digital processing of the spectator's own image is such that over a period of a few seconds the image grows outwards from the center of the screen in a pattern of concentric circles. Thus a reflected image of the...
  • ... digital computing machine. Users interact with the work using a touch screen. By pressing on words and symbols different sections of the videodisc are projected on a large screen in front of the viewer. The work is a poetic interpretation drawing on the...
  • ... in the cultural and evolutive process of the cultures and races of the 2000's. The Paralell Permanent Exposition Section consists of twelve interactive installations of very diverse character, content and versatality and are found distributed on...
  • Morphogenesis -
    ... organic projected onto a 4 by 3m back projection screen via a special interface box constructed for that purpose. the second system uses the world wide web as user interface. In both systems users evolve a three dimensional organic object created...
  • Beyond Hierarchy -
    ... of irony are prevalent. This concerns the fact that the chair interfaces offer a different metaphor for the viewer than the secret hand shake interface on top of the stairs. Firstly, while sitting in the chairs, the public is in control of the workers...
  • Paradise Tossed -
    ... terrain, idealism and design from four young women's points of view. It uses Macro-Mind Director's lingo to access sections of a twelve minute 3D animation on a Sony laserdisc player. The menus are laid out like pages from a photo album and by...
  • ... the deeper one mines, the more layered the date, the less time there is to mine through the data. One has a total of 333 seconds to mine this databody and receives only fragments of words, images and sounds. (Victoria Vesna)
  • Legal Tender -
    ... experiments on the bills by registering with an email address. After receiving a password, the user was assigned a random sector on either bill A or B along with a magnified view of that sector: Users were then invited to choose an experiment to...
  • ... Miss Natalija A. She tells him that her mind and body are being manipulated by a mysterious electrical apparatus operated secretly by physicans in Berlin.