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  • Virtual Terms -
    ... destroyed by the words being chosen in such a way that... with three LED bars Lower Austria State Academy, St Pölten...
  • Earth day impromtu -
    ... countries (Australia, Austria, Brazil, Israel,...
  • Pupil
    ... music in Linz, Austria. Many of the samples were...
  • Book of Shadows -
    ... 1996 The Word, Vienna, Austria, 1996
  • ... Habsburg Castle in Linz, Austria. Wireless 3D sensors...
  • ... Ars Electronica Linz, Austria, Sept 1991
  • 1000 Platitudes -
    ... (HUMO) Workshop in Linz, Austria, with the support of V2...
  • ... September 3 in Linz, Austria at the 2004 Ars...
  • On translation -
    ... Vienna, Austria.
  • The Telegarden -
    ... Ars Electonica Museum in Austria. Anyone can view the...