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  • Peep Hole -
    ... the camera, gallery space and spectator. An interchange between the ‘live’ and the represented...
  • Virtual Terms -
    Computer-controlled light installation with three LED bars Lower Austria State Academy, St Pölten (A), competition 1992, realization 1997 (after moving to the government district of St Pölten) The installation 'Virtual Terms' was designed for the
  • Earth day impromtu -
    EarthDay Impromptu (1990) was an event organized collaboratively. It included artists Eduardo Kac, Carlos Fadon and Irene Faiguenboim (Chicago) and Bruce Breland of the DAX Group of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, among other artists in
  • Pupil
    Pupil is an album dedicated to the non-human animals that accompany us in life, to the distance, to the learning of a language that is not one's own, that babbles. It is composed with different digital techniques that include but are not limited to
  • Book of Shadows -
    CD-ROM with book version published by Ellipsis, London copyright 1994 exhibited at Portsmouth Arts Centre, Portsmouth, UK, 1998 Surfing, Contemporary Art Centre, Plymouth, UK 1997 European Media Art Festival, Osnabruck, Germany, 1997 On
  • Relational Architecture 2 "Displaced Emperors" was the second relational architecture project of Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. This installation used an "architact" interface to transform the Habsburg Castle in Linz, Austria. Wireless 3D sensors
  • A Commodore Amiga hyper-media computer programme, based on the theme of a media reported event from the 1990 Remembrance Ceremony in Whitehall, London. A young man ran out from the crowd and set fire to himself and shouted the words "think about the
  • 1000 Platitudes -
    1000 PLATITUDES consists of large photomontages and one video documentary, which is shown on a plasma screen. Words commonly used to describe the generic globalized city; --each letter of the alphabet was projected on a different building using the
  • TraceEncounters is a social network tracking and visualization project. It was debuted September 3 in Linz, Austria at the 2004 Ars Electronica festival. White circles connect cliques of size greater than 3 when the user clicks the 'Find cliques'
  • On translation -
    Every day we have to make decisions. These are decisions between affirmation and negation, between yes and no, between 1 and 0. The path is a long one that finally leads a translation of a text to its new destination. There it becomes obvious that