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  • Suyuan Stone Generator - 1 Hour Equals 100 Million YearsArtist: Zhan WangComment:
  • Boulder I
    Boulder I is a rock that sits upright on a cushion. Walking around the object, the viewer notices that the object had a hole on one side and is actually hollow. On display is therefore not a stone but a stone surface. Given that the eye can only
  • Through a poetic approach, Kymapetra is a sonorous interactive artwork which pay a special attention to certain minerals and stones : their various forms are forged by time, broken, polished, composite or fossilized, each with a natural vibration
  • p53 -
    Grinder p53 is a life-printing machine. It is a monument made to reprint life. Hammered into granite the sculpture portrays the entire genetic sequence of the human suicide gene p53. The gene is exposed in a completely reproducible way. With a
  • In 2014, I was invited to exhibit Revelation of Eve Clone IV in “Raising the Temperature” at the Queens Museum of Arts, New York. The work presented Eve Clone being submerged by seawater in a ruin. The water was dyed red, like blood from the dead.
  • The animation Global Vulva connects female figures and vulva symbols from different times, countries and cultures, while they morph into each other - the cultural meaning of the female genital becomes visible again. You'll see paleolithic
  • The interactive installation offers exchanges of body signals using a sensorized carpet to capture people displacements. The information are sent to a neural network which mangage the artificial system and gives life to the physic environment. A big
  • Golden Nuggets -
    Intervention At the bottom of the Silvretta reservoir dam unfolds a landscape that is touristically barely developed. Stones rupture the alpine turf. Some of these stones were gilded in the artist's studio, shown in exhibitions and later returned to
  • Alembic
    "Linking art, science, spirituality and technology, this interactive installation is the product of the artist's exploration of virtual reality as a sculptural medium, and is centered upon a floor based projection of computer generated 3D
  • Tree of Knowledge -
    "The project Tree of Knowledge explores interactions between art and science by using novel cell imaging and tissue culture technologies in order to create live sculptures. When creating a sculpture, the choice of medium is critical as it directly