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  • [the clearing] -
    ... artwork that focuses on the language of American print...
  • ... angle, as in an anatomical theater where humans are enveloped by a... The audience is elevated and observes the stage from a low angle, as in an...
  • ... angle, as in an anatomical theater where humans are enveloped by a... The audience is elevated and observes the stage from a low angle, as in an...
  • ... multi, rhizomes are some of the themes explored in this event. The...
  • [ in time time ] -
    ... Solo exhibition held at the Tarble Arts Center / Eastern...
  • ZOONE -
    ... at Amerlinghaus Vienna (A) in the context of the "Computerkulturtage"...
  • ...The YOUbiläums Browser ( The history of the ZKM between 1997 and...
  • ... and interactivity is based on the way a nanoscientist manipulates an...
  • Zero Noon
    ... is displayed in a different colour chosen from a determined... is a digital clock that shows the current time according to eccentric...
  • ... wringer washer which has a colour monitor fitted in the bottom of... has a colour monitor fitted in the bottom of the wash tub facing up....