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  • Art Total -
    ... a slot for those professing Total Art. The aim here is to set up...
  • ... as the umbrellas expand and contract, engender the formation of...
  • ... distributed labor tool. The total labor cost to create the bill,...
    ... It starts to stretch and contract, it can grow big with sharp...
  • ... arena world results out of the total interrelation of all it's...
  • Quarxs - video
    ... Computer graphics, 12 films on total of three minutes each)....
  • Facing Data -
    ... appears I don't have a clear explanation, but must of the people...
  • ... to photosynthesize and grow in total darkness. ...
  • ... flying from the visitors up to total collapsing expressed by making...
  • ... have entered, the room sits in total darkness for a period of 3... sound, appears to expand and contract, locked in a dynamic coupling... based on a look up table of values, begins to adjust the various...