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  • ... ran out from the crowd and set fire to himself and shouted the words "think about the people now" in protest against the ceremony....
  • Conversation -
    ... is never given, but instead must be construed by participants word-by-word, frame-by-frame.
  • ... The Tables Turned takes its title from a poem by William Wordsworth of almost the same name. The original poem accuses the...
  • ... the images, texts, voices and sound on stage. Playing with a word and its syllables or sounds, like Politik-tik-tik, is created by...
  • No Thing
    ... in Rotterdam and constituted by massive letters forming the words NO THING.
  • ... display there is a continuous random selection of descriptor words from the library's database of book titles. On the spiral...
  • ... of the letters as well as a tentative communication with words. Up to eight letters could be placed by each player on the board...
  • ... when triggered by the camera microphone appears in full words in textual order in form of 3D block characters. These appear...
  • ... of co-mingled spoken and readable texts is generated. In other words the artwork changes from being merely a visual experience,...
  • ... causes the release of continuously moving three dimensional words and sentences within the projected scene. Originating in the...