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  • A-Volve - video
    ... will now also react and live in the pool, interacting with...
  • Life Spacies - video
    ... creature will then starts to live in the "Life Spacies" environment...
  • ... the produced creature starts to live and move around in the "Life...
  • HAZE Express - video
    ... or how for example people live in it. The passing landscapes...
  • ...In Telematic Dreaming (1992) a live telematic video installation linking two sites...
  • Telematic Séance -
    ... video projector projects the live video image down onto another...
  • Telematic Vision -
    ... camera in each location sends a live video image, via ISDN telephone...
  • Telematic Encounter -
    ... table from the ceiling, sends a live image of a person sitting at the...
  • ... located. By using a system of live chroma-keying the two separate...
  • Wind and Rain -
    ... by big fans. At one point a live elephant was brought into the room...