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  • Plan-it! -
    ... statistical data from the voting. (source: was designed to be a synthesis of contemporary architecture, art, electronic media, and information about aspects of the mind,...
  • ... based upon a computer game. (source:
  • ... how to get rid of them again?) (source: What is an identity? It is the idea that single parts of yourself belong together. It is the idea that your past, your...
  • FemCity -
    ... Bhagat, Shanghai Nov. 2002) (source: life-styles, career plans and personal dreams. At the starting point of the game, the players are set up in an urban...
  • NANO Mandala -
    ... of an ancient tradition that consecrates the planet and its inhabitants to bring about purification and healing. The... The Nanomandala is an installation by media artist Victoria Vesna, in collaboration with nanoscience pioneer James Gimzewski. The...
  • In an information-oriented society, the encoding of individual information occurs immediately, almost as fast as the satisfaction of a desire. Our consumption habits, our criminal history, our chronic diseases, even our photographs taken by a
  • Actuated Workbench -
    ...The Actuated Workbench is a device that uses magnetic forces to move objects on a table in two dimensions. It is intended for use with existing...
  • Dolltalk -
    In order to give the child the impression that a character is listening to their stories, we have invented a clever mechanism that captures the motions and speech of a child using sensors and audio processing. Continuing in the vein of research on
  • CADcast -
    CADcast is a system for projecting instructions into 3-D workspaces. It supports users in constructing three dimensional structures with greater efficiency and more accuracy. The system also supports improved coordination between the design and
  • PegBlocks -
    ...Pegblocks are networked tactile transducers. As users manipulate the array of pegs, sliding them back and forth, motion is converted to...