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  • Database of Provincial Life uses digital computers to accomplish a task which was impossible to achieve using any previous representational medium: documenting EVERYTHING which happen to EVERYBODY who lived in the 20th century. By focusing on the
  • A-Positive -
    A-positive, a dialogical event created by Ed Bennett and myself, probes the delicate relationship between the human body and emerging new breeds of hybrid machines that incorporate biological elements and from these elements extract sensorial or
  • genieBottles -
    ... does not have a highly structured...
  • TellTale -
    TellTale is a story construction kit for children. Its goal is to help youngsters create and experiment with the structure and content of oral language in way similar to how written text is composed. The design consists of a number of modular body
  • What is the condition of the art object in the age of networking and telematics? The piece entitled Dialogical Drawing, 1994, by Eduardo Kac, addresses this question by presenting two identical objects simultaneously at two distinct exhibition
  • Urban Simulation -
    The Furp ("Future of Urban Planning") project exists as a first step toward disseminating the work undertaken in the Luminous Room project into the world at large. Specifically, we are engaged in a collaboration with MIT's Department of Urban
  • pinwheels -
    The pinwheels project continues the study of Ambient Fixtures to communicate digital information at the periphery of human perception through ambient media. This project takes fields of pinwheels and explores what arrangements create interfaces that
  • bottlogues -
    Glass bottles have been a part of human culture for thousands of years, serving both practical and aesthetic functions. The "bottles" project explores the transparency of an interface that weaves itself into the fabric of everyday life. Seamless
  • Internet, video projections on gaze and helium bal Playing instruments is the common lot of music. Playing with emotions is the common lot of politics and entertainment Considering the Net as the World nervous system. Scanning the
  • Placed in the middle of the Center for Contemporary Art, the yellow canary was given a very large and comfortable cylindrical white cage, on top of which circuit-boards, a speaker, and a microphone were located. A clear Plexiglas disc separated the