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  • Westway -
    ... and fictional and depicts a violent assault. The work was part of three works. (source:
  • plastic trade-off -
    ... financial markets and exchanges. (source: flows which reflect this global system in a dynamic work of art. The coordinates of selected places of the market system were...
  • ComTouch -
    ComTouch project explores the interpersonal communication by use of haptic technology. Audio and video have been commonly used as medium for interpersonal communication. ComTouch uses the sense of touch to compliment the existing audio and video
  • Audiopad -
    Audiopad is a composition and performance instrument for electronic music which tracks the positions of objects on a tabletop surface and converts their motion into music. One can pull sounds from a giant set of samples, juxtapose archived
  • Sensetable -
    Sensetable is a system that wirelessly tracks the positions of multiple objects on a flat display surface quickly and accurately. The tracked objects have a digital state, which can be controlled by physically modifying them using dials or tokens.
  • ... - a pinnacle of culture." [Glasarchitektur, 1914] A planet cluster beams the visitors, as navigating cosmonauts, into the... as a metaphor reflects the world of thought of the group of artists and architects that came together in the Gläserne Kette [The...
  • mirrage -
    ... an audio-visual feedback-circuit. (source: and alienates the spatial architecture of the sound art series Tonspur - the virtual space infinitely mirrors the...
  • ... an "emersive media environment". (source: in cooperation with various sound artists: Peter Szely, Christof Cargnelli, Electric Indigo --- Resembling a flaneur in an unknown city the bot...
  • ... lets managers use complex numerical simulation techniques as part of "what if?" conversations about possible changes to the way they...
  • ... databases; initial target domains include media databases, network management, and bioinformatics. (Source:...