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  • Phoxel Space -
    ...Phoxel-Space is an interface to enable the exploration of voxel data through the use of physical models... a voxel dataset. The intersected voxel values are projected back onto the surface of the...
  • Illuminating Clay -
    ... models. Using this platform we explore the domain of landscape design, where the... and computational simulations is of particular relevance. Landscape models are...
  • Westway -
    ...A video installation work focusing on the mythology of violence in contemporary London. The work is... depicts a violent assault. The work was part of three works. (source:...
  • plastic trade-off -
    ... be described as a visual approach to the oscillating growth of markets and their... the social life of the (im)material values of trading. The real-time data of... this global system in a dynamic work of art. The coordinates of selected places of the...
  • ComTouch -
    ...ComTouch project explores the interpersonal communication by use of haptic technology. Audio and video...
  • Audiopad -
    ... for electronic music which tracks the positions of objects on a tabletop surface and...
  • Sensetable -
    ...Sensetable is a system that wirelessly tracks the positions of multiple objects on a flat display...
  • ... more like axioms. When I negate the axiom, 'We make ourselves a picture of... the world of thought of the group of artists and architects that came together in the...
  • mirrage -
    ... mirror which perpetuates and alienates the spatial architecture of the sound art series... the spatial architecture of the sound art series Tonspur - the virtual space infinitely...
  • ... Resembling a flaneur in an unknown city the bot moves through a "ludic 3D environment" -... in cooperation with various sound artists: Peter Szely, Christof Cargnelli, Electric Indigo ---...