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  • The Supply Chain Visualization (SCVis) project provides a way for managers to physically construct and interact with models of how products flow between their business, thier suppliers and their customers. It lets managers use complex numerical
  • This project is developing new means for querying relational databases and live datastreams through the manipulation of physical objects. Parameterized query fragments are embodied as physical tokens ("parameter wheels"). These tokens are
  • Actuated Workbench -
    The Actuated Workbench is a device that uses magnetic forces to move objects on a table in two dimensions. It is intended for use with existing tabletop tangible interfaces, providing an additional feedback loop for computer output, and helping to
  • Dolltalk -
    ... the child’s voice higher or lower depending...
  • CADcast -
    CADcast is a system for projecting instructions into 3-D workspaces. It supports users in constructing three dimensional structures with greater efficiency and more accuracy. The system also supports improved coordination between the design and
  • PegBlocks -
    Pegblocks are networked tactile transducers. As users manipulate the array of pegs, sliding them back and forth, motion is converted to electricity and converted back into motion through out the rest of the network. The resulting movements of the
  • The “Perpetual Storytelling Apparatus” is a drawing machine illustrating a never-ending story by the use of patent drawings. The machine translates words of a text into patent drawings. Seven million patents — linked by over 22 million references
  • LumiTouch -
    The Lumitouch system consists of a pair of interactive picture frames. When one user touches her picture frame, the other picture frame lights up. This touch is translated to light over an Internet connection. We introduce a semi-ambient display
  • Senseboard -
    Senseboard is one facet of our using tangible media for manipulating abstract information. It allows the user to arrange small magnetic pucks on a grid, where each puck represents a piece of information to be organized, such as a message, file,
  • Tangible Viewpoints -
    Tangible Viewpoints is a system for interacting with a character driven narrative. The different segments of a multiple point-of-view story are organized according to the character viewpoint they represent, as well as their place in the overall