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  • Plan-it! -
    ... for the visitors. Our aim was to allow for an interactive work of art involving many interactors at the same time. The visitors...
  • ... software which I design that in purpose as contrast of digital file and manuscript document. In the last print of both head...
  • freequent traveller -
    ... inside oneself, at the same time. This is an live interactive work. You enter a hammock and, synchronized to your swinging...
  • ... and corporate image device towards an urban light art work. The challenge lies in the design of participation and...
  • ...Schmutziges Licht ( LICHTPHON ART-AVANT X ) Sound/Video Work Schahram Poursoudmand (Music & Sound Artist, Composer, Visual Imagist, Poet) &...
  • A Sense of Place -
    ... on where the audience is standing in front of the image. The work has a cultural and technological premise. In this age of mass...
  • Sleeper -
    ... Using the iOS or Android platforms one can link up to the work to clearly hear the soundtrack of the film and a story of this...
  • Fugitive -
    ... moves through an impressionistic visual experience based in a digital video database. The question of Embodiment is central: we... Fugitive is an interactive artwork which (via a machine vision system) interprets gross bodily movement as an indicator of "mood". The user...
  • ... our senses. By integrating hybrid forms of knowledge, the work searches for the ungraspable in a world that we experience daily....
  • ... blissful with the acceptance of immortality. In the artistic work on the experimental manipulation of the dissolution and...