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  • ... glimpses of inter-dimensionality. The soundtrack was performed live by Igor Amokian...
  • Tell Me the Truth -
    ... in 1979. This same photo was also the source for a later composition called –...
  • ... of words, pictures, animations and sounds. Memories (readable with a general...
  • Splice - on the destruction of almost every elm forest in Southern Europe. The departure point for the...
  • ... to the electrostatic touch of bodies. Sounds and light evolve according to the intensity...
  • Facades - video
    ... This moving image is accompanied by sound, based on the recording of the text "No Such...
  • ... darkened interior of the nave. A churning sound is perceived while the hand moves around....
  • ... of any venue to broadcast sight and sound to any, or all, of the others venues; 8)...
  • ... lights, a cricket puppet, and chirping sounds. After I built it, I took on the role of...
  • Shirt -
    ... was taken during a cruise in Japan. The sound is the original sound of the recording,...