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  • The Distorted Barbie -
    "The distorted Barbie" is a web-art installation that displayed digitally altered images of Barbie dolls in order to comment on Barbie as a cultural/commercial symbol and pop-icon. He published his original Distorted Barbie both on his own site at
  • ... flaws in the belief that reality is predictable. As...
  • Well, things don't always turn out the way you plan - this project certainly didn't. I learned a couple of things: 1/ Magnetic core memory is very hard to find. 2/ Most people who are interested in magnetic core memory are very
  • Mori
    Sound-Installation "Mori" is an Internet-based earthwork that engages the earth as a living medium. In this installation, minute movements of the Hayward Fault in California are detected by a seismograph, converted to digital signals, and
  • WRINGER/WASHER TV is a pink, white and chrome wringer washer which has a colour monitor fitted in the bottom of the wash tub facing up. This installation deals with the issue of abortion in Canada, interspersing opinions and arguments with video
  • ... is left of the corporeal remains of America. Where...
  • Live audio-visual transformation and dematerialization of the viewer. [prototype] (source:
  • As Falling Falls -
    As Falling Falls is a double interactive video projection using high resolution video projectors and two computers with a remote visual sensing system for viewer interaction. On each screen is visible a number of dancers of the Stephen Petronio
  • This interactive video installation is a collaboration between myself and Camille Turner. This mediawork is an exploration of the sex, beauty and racial myths which are encountered by a young black Canadian woman and the various conflicting message
  • The Castle -
    The Castle is a large scale interactive video projection designed for specific architectural sites. The title makes reference to Kafka's novel of the same name, the work taking as its subject the incomprehensible character of systems of