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  • The Rocktown Scrolls are named after the Pennsylvania coalfield “patch” where I grew up dreaming wondrous dreams while sliding down the ash-dumps. They present colorful pen & ink drawings accompanied with passages selected from a wide range of
  • The Library -
    ... globe. Utilizing THE LIBRARY 3D environment, a current research project is titled MULTI: Multiple User Laser Texture Interface...
  • new ocean -
    new oceanArtist: Doug AitkenComment:
  • automated mirror sculpture (stainless steel mirrors, baltic birch, electrical motors) 76 3/4 x 41 1/2 x 8 inches 194.9 x 105.4 x 20.3 cm
  • ... illusion of absolute space and time, and the combined research of quantum mechanics and chaos theory have shown the flaws in...
  • Well, things don't always turn out the way you plan - this project certainly didn't. I learned a couple of things: 1/ Magnetic core memory is very hard to find. 2/ Most people who are interested in magnetic core memory are very
  • the moment -
    Showing for the first time in the UK, The Moment is a vast kaleidoscopic audio-visual installation by Doug Aitken, capturing the acute sense of disorientation experienced on waking in an unfamiliar place. (Source:
  • This interactive installation addresses mass media and manipulation in postmodern culture. In this mediawork individualism and narcissism are revealed as inextricably linked to new electronic technologies and capitalist consumerism. The interface
  • BICYCLE TV is a rider controlled real-time video tour of a scenic landscape in the Canadian countryside. This interactive installation consists of a 1950's style bicycle with a colour monitor (mounted in front of the bicycle facing the
  • glass era -
    Videoinstallation; 3 channels, 3 projections Ed. 2/4 3 Screens ea 225 x 300 cm