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  • ... the ash-dumps. They present colorful pen & ink drawings accompanied with passages selected from a wide range of literature and...
  • Mind/Machine -
  • Short video showing the installation of "Border Patrol" by Paul Garrin and David Rokeby. They got a golden Nica for it already in 1997 but it could be exhibited only a year later.
  • Tangible Disaster Simulation System is a collaborative tool for planning disaster measures based on disaster simulation and evacuation simulation using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Built on the Sensetable platform, Tangible-DSS allows
  • Senspectra -
    ...Senspectra is a computationally augmented physical modeling toolkit designed for sensing and visualization of structural strain. The system...
  • Keynote lecture at the 11th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. 30 May - 1 June 2011, Oslo, Norway.
  • An interactive installation that features a dynamically growing collection of cellphone images visually sequenced according to contributors' metadata and text tags. The public is invited to send photos taken on their cell phones adding tags to
  • ... colour, silent An installation using one monitor, one live computer feed (simulating in realtime the process of genetic...
  • ...Stills from a series of computer generated animations These works were produced using a home-built S-100 bus system employing asynchronous...
  • AR-Jig -
    ... the AR systems provide just visualization. Even though users come up with a new design through the visualization, there are few...