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  • Three City Link -
    ... (the DAX [Digital Art Exchange] Group). A slow-scan...
  • ... on the continuous exchange and transformation of...
  • I/O Brush -
    I/O Brush is a new drawing tool to explore colors, textures, and movements found in everyday materials by "picking up" and drawing with them. I/O Brush looks like a regular physical paintbrush but has a small video camera with lights and touch
  • Unreflective Mirror -
    Surveillance camera, surveillance video monitor, custom-made polarized filter glasses, PC, data projector x 2 This virtual mirror effectively erases the presence of the spectator, manipulating and questioning notions of identity and
  • Internet, search engine, cartography Maps from the World Nervous System With today's communication networks, the world is equipped with an extensive virtual nervous system. From anywhere in the world one can feel what's happening anywhere
  • Photos, Installation Visitors of World Skin, a Photo Safari in the Land of War at FACT Liverpool exhibition sk-interface
  • AirportSim -
    ... bottlenecks and make changes in real-time to increase...
  • CircuiTUI -
    Bridging the gap between textbook and laboratory learning, CircuiTUI leverages the power of both advanced real-time circuit simulation and the hands-on and the collaborative atmosphere of a laboratory. With CircuiTUI, projected images of circuit
  • Topobo -
    Topobo is a 3D constructive assembly system with kinetic memory, the ability to record and playback physical motion. Unique among modeling systems is Topobo’s coincident physical input and output behaviors. By snapping together a combination of
  • Interactive acoustic sculpture and video Physical and virtual installation Act 14 of the "Mécanique des émotions" Still Moving is an experimental installation consisting of an interactive acoustic sculpture and a realtime video projection. The