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  • ... source material, which I modify with... is a commission for the Kunsthaus Graz and...
  • ... aspects to which we mustn’t turn a... ein — a light installation for the Stieglerhaus, St....
  • ... 14,000 frames, which exploded the bird,... Art in 1968 for its permanent...
  • ... experience for the visitor, who is no...
  • ... in a tent, on which text messages of an... conventions and formats. Find more...
  • ... heterogeneous forms of presences...
  • Inland Wonderland -
    ... to move and starts to run in disorder,...
  • ... way technology forges illusions. The...
  • MicroCosm -
    ... Gigantic stars, the milky way,...
  • Cadence -
    ... to techniques in which animated imagery is... cries of curlews foraging on the mudflats...