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  • Great Wall of China -
    The Great Wall of China is conceived for simultaneous realisation across media, including a Website (1995-96), a CD-ROM with portfolio of prints (1997-99) and an interactive installation (1999). The foundation of The Great Wall of China is a
  • I like Frank -
    In March 2004 Blast Theory premiered the world's first 3G mixed reality game, I Like Frank in Adelaide, at the Adelaide Fringe. I Like Frank took place online at and on the streets using 3G phones. Players in the real
  • Kidnap -
    In this sensational precursor to Big Brother, two volunteers were selected from a few hundred applicants and subsequently kidnapped for a period of 48 hours. Selected finalists were chosen at random and put under surveillance. Following this
  • SP3X -
    SP3X is a new type of three-dimensional interface for creating, modifying, and navigating volumetric data. It combines the intuitive and improvisational strengths of tangible interfaces with the visualization power of mixed reality. Users can create
  • Robo Topobo -
    Robo Topobo brings the improvisation and performative thrill of video games to hands-on modeling and invention. “Robo” is a controller that children can use to save, replay and adjust playback of up to four Topobo recordings. With Topobo a child can
  • Glume -
    Glume is a computationally enhanced translucent modeling medium which offers a generalized modular scalable platform with the physical immediacy of a soft and malleable tangible material. The Glume system consists of soft and translucent
  • Desert rain -
    In this fascinating piece the company worked in collaboration with the Computer Research Group of the School of Computer Science at Nottingham University, UK. The piece was one of the most complex and powerful responses to the first Gulf War
  • Can you see me now? -
    Can You See Me Now?draws upon the near ubiquity of handheld electronic devices in many developed countries. Blast Theory are fascinated by the penetration of the mobile phone into the hands of poorer users, rural users, teenagers and other
  • Upon the invitation of the Lindisfarne Association and the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in New York City, a concert of audiovisual mathematics/music took place in the Cathedral Church on 17 October, 1992, at about eight o'clock in
  • Implex -
    interactive sound installation