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  • On sight -
    ... are numerous images of representations of the body, both artistic and medical/scientific in nature. Exhibited at Academie...
  • Plot Against Time #3 (Insect Sonata (after Scriabin)), a single channel video, draws out the trajectories of insects in the my shady garden as they pass through beams of sunlight on a rare windless day in spring. The work's subtitle refers to early
  • electric earth -
    ... walk-in, multi-sectioned, video installation «Electric Earth» [...] the public is transported into the atmosphere of an airport...
  • new skin -
    ...The Broad Art Foundation's new skin, 2002, presents an evolution from Aitken's earlier styles, both physically and conceptually. Projected from...
  • Alchemy -
    ... small human like creatures, in test tubes. The work is metaphorically addressing issues arising from contemporary... arising from contemporary technologies such as Genetics and Artificial Intelligence, casting these practices as not dissimilar to...
  • A New Life -
    ... voices employed; the use of bodily organs and architecture as metaphors for the human condition and social processes; the radical... work may be regarded as one or more of the following video art, animation, computer graphics or simply a pictorial narrative. In...
  • ... occasion of the Ninth International Symposium on Electronic Art (1998). They were created as homage to Alan Turing celebrating...
  • ... occasion of the Ninth International Symposium on Electronic Art (1998). They were created as homage to Alan Turing celebrating...
  • ... occasion of the Ninth International Symposium on Electronic Art (1998). They were created as homage to Alan Turing celebrating...
  • ... occasion of the Ninth International Symposium on Electronic Art (1998). They were created as homage to Alan Turing celebrating...