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  • ... and identifies the controller...
  • Smart Tools -
    The word "haptization" means, "making it possible to touch". A typical example is the usage of haptic display devices in order to touch computer-generated images. Therefore, it is often called "haptization of information". Previous work on
  • Pathway A
    ... se pueden encontrar en ciertos...
  • Pathway B
    ... se pueden encontrar en ciertos...
  • Pathway 1
    ... se pueden encontrar en ciertos...
  • A large scale installation which included a 20 foot screen in portrait displaying a psychiatrist under hypnosis describing an environment, a representation of which was then constructed in two spaces beyond the screen. The work focused on the
  • LAM -
    ... beyond coincidence. (source:...
  • The Meadow -
    ... meadow, then suddenly the season shifts....
  • Lung Shan II, 1990, 72" by 24" Pen & brush plotted work on paper. Click here for detail, left section The work above includes reversed mirror brushstrokes echoing the distribution of pen strokes. With each pen stroke derived from the same
  • Wall Street, Buy or Sell?Artist: Roman VerostkoComment: