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  • Paranoid Mirror -
    ... reflected self portraiture. Though obscured and distanced, the artists reflection watches from behind the central figures. PARANOID...
  • ... eye that performs both functions, which has the effect - particularly on close examination - of making her appear even more...
  • Time and Time again -
    ... by the Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum in Duisburg, Germany, as part of its Connected Cities exhibit. It explores the complex...
  • ...Dangerous Places - Ponar. A 7 Channel Video InstallationArtist: Pam SkeltonComment:
  • ...Conversation with LiquidatorsArtist: Pam SkeltonComment:
  • Ghost Town -
    ...Ghost TownArtist: Pam SkeltonComment:
  • Autopoiesis -
    ... commissioned by the Kiasma Museum in Helsinki, Finland as part of Outoaly, the Alien Intelligence Exhibition curated by Erkki...
  • As you approach this piece a sensor turns a light on which projects the worms and tree forms onto the walls and ceiling. The tubefex worms which are the stars of this piece demonstrate a form of supra organization in which these single tubefex worms
  • Delicate Balance -
    Delicate Balance is an interactive robotic work designed to allow a fish to determine the direction that it moves along a wire, so it can explore it's environment beyond the limits of the tank. Bettas have excellent sight giving them the
  • Mediated Encounters -
    Mediated Encounters is an interactive robotic installation of four fish tanks designed to allow Siamese Fighting fish (Betta Splendons) to determine the movement of two grapevine sculptures. This piece allows normally aggressive fish to interact