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  • ... sculptures, graffiti, and other kinds of images and objects. After the conclusion in 1982...
  • ... prism, a surveillance camera observes images of its own species, while the kaleidoscopic...
  • ... of their litanies to the movement of 3D images. An encounter with the delirium of a woman...
  • ...Performers interact with images and sounds and manipulate four mobile projection surfaces,...
  • ... are twenty-four large digital images, displaying enigmatic scenes of interplay...
  • ... of their litanies to the movement of 3D images. An encounter with the delirium of a woman...
  • Cadence -
    ... at low tide. PRODUCTION NOTES The imagery is created using an innovative, hybrid...
  • ... Voronoi mathematical model so that the images disrupt the frontal perspective viewing,...
  • ... games. Internet found-footage combining images of Syrian refugee camps with video game...
  • ... itself fuels the selection of future images! Thus, enabling the artwork to reach a...