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  • ...I made this video back in 2005 for the S3 Project (Sights and Sounds of Science), organized by the Materials Research Center of the University of Chicago. I combined some video shot inside the old building of the James Frank Institute, with renderings of a...
  • ... approaches, they hear audio of rumba music and verbal instructions for learning the footwork for this particular dance. The video screen remains blank until the installation is activated by the viewer turning on the vibrating belt massager. They may choose...
  • ...a video installation, was commissioned for the lobby of a movie theater in Time Square by Creative Time, Inc. and the 42nd St. Development Corp. for The 42nd Street Art Project. The piece tracks a metamorphosis from a choreography based on the gestures of...
  • ...eo sculpture A monitor is hung up with rubber bands and steel spirals, and thus installed as a punching ball in the exhibition space. A video shows the world globe seen from orbit. The globe rotates and passes through a process of resolution and restoration as a loop....
  • ...The Giver of Names is quite simply, a computer system that gives objects names. The installation includes an empty pedestal, a video camera, a computer system and a small video projection. The camera observes the top of the pedestal. The installation space is full of...
    ...The video work Pulsation presents pulsating light phenomena, the bodily and the technologically generated hybrid as a luminous apparition composed by layering reflected light, video projections of radiological scans of the artist’s brain and related manipulated...
  • 6,'08 Album: Algida Bellezza, Netherworld (Glacial Movements) The video for the track Orcinus Orca followed the release of the album Algida Bellezza (Alessandro Tedeschi aka Netherworld, Glacial Movements, 2019). The music captured artist’s imaginations of...
  • A l’image du « Corridoscope » de Buren, où alternent des bandes noires et blanches, le montage exploite une succession régulière de plans très courts. 935 mètres de bande adopte un tempo saccadé qui suit à la lettre celui de la bande son,texte et
  • ...Windows Media Player software, with graphic sound transformation function. An extract from a video gleaned on the Internet, with only the sound on. Video extracts of pornographic films projected non-stop. The software gives infinite possibilities of a graphic...
  • Orbital Remix s01 -
    ... Remix. The source geometry was built with Softimage and later its biomorphic distortion was effectuated by applying to it a video filter within the real-time video mix software called VDMX by Vidvox.