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  • SimTunes -
    ... versa. The user begins with a blank screen, or canvas and a variety of tools, paints, and patterns with which to decorate said...
  • My Black Cat -
    ... My black cat is not easy to control My black cat is not a variable My black cat is undefinable My black cat is irregular My...
  • ... of the piece, such as its extremely fast frame rates and variable bit depths, continue to challenge and explore the thresholds...
  • Timeless Universe -
    ... and physics. My approach is through written records, varying from ancient scripts to signs, codes and mathematical formula....
  • ... backgrounds see different landmarks, where neighborhoods vary with ideas held in common, and evolve as the ideas mature or...
  • ... and may become distorted to be used as "proof" for various dogmas. Black and White is about dissolving the text and...
  • ... again. This work evolved as a large collaboration between various neighbourhood agencies, extending the orginal permissions to...
  • Unending Closure -
    ... gets too close they will try to get away by shaking around at varying levels of intensity and making distinct warning sounds. If the...
  • Opto-Isolator -
    ... at human scale, which responds to the gaze of visitors with a variety of psychosocial eye-contact behaviors that are at once...
  • Pulse -
    ... of the special saturation and hue of monitor colours in varying combinations and continuous movement. The automation of image...