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  • ... époque où le muséographe avait essentiellement un rôle d’architecte... trouvé au cours de ces quinze dernières années, invité en tant...
  • The Quarxs -
    ... new outlook on the world, it is essential to search for certainties. A... has been devised. In order to visibly capture such phenomena, a...
  • Pièces à conviction -
    ...1985, La dernière biennale de Paris. Personne ne le savait à l’époque. En pleine...
  • ... dexterity with this media. In essence, it is not so much a tool that... encoded includes the gender of the actors, the dominant emotions...
  • Exploded Views 2.0 -
    ... buildings on five continents, derived from 100,000 web images,...
  • ... a copyright symbol is derived from the DNA of an...
  • ... as physical modelling which derives the emerging sound from the...
  • ... every other: thus the layout derives directly from the data. Larger...
  • ...Such is the very essence of this work, which utilizes these various strategies,...
  • ... of the part of the brain essential to our decision making... street in Amsterdam (Stadhouderskade), the work involves passers-by,...