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  • America`s Finest -
    ... There are 40 images. These images are held by a frame-buffer. In the gun barrel are an lcd monitor and video equipment connected to a hidden computer with video grabbing and mixing capabilities. This piece uses a targa plus graphics adaptor, custom...
  • ... and records ­ in real time ­ exactly what she sees on a tiny monitor that she has next to her at all times. Her right eye is connected to the internet and sees in a 320x200 gray scale, refreshed at a rate of 60 seconds, to accomodate internet users with slow...
  • Time and Time again -
    ... interactive installation, the piece was commissioned by the Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum in Duisburg, Germany, as part of its Connected Cities exhibit. It explores the complex relationships between our increasingly interlinked bodies and machines, and the...
  • Dis-M-Body -
    ... and messages as they dislocate and fracture one's sense of self, while simultaneously expanding one's sense of connection. Our sense of self is no longer created through direct experiences but instead through mediated and simulated experience....
  • ... cytoskeletons, braincells, clumps of worms, circuit boards, and very large scale integrated circuits (VLSI), and internet connection networks. Kenneth E. Rinaldo
  • Mediated Encounters -
    ... fish bowls. The fish determine the direction and speed of the robotic structures by crossing any of six light break-beams connected to the computer which activate motors that move the tanks in the direction the fish look to the outside world. I wanted to...
  • the beehive -
    ... is a internet based project creating a web of thoughts. 32 animated and/or interactive text or text-picture plates are connected, interwooven through honeycomb like interface. The plates (plateaus) represent general messages, partly reversible, about...
  • Vid-A-Feeba -
    ... of chaotic systems showing quick change in the visual patterns depending on the bifurcation points. The sound is deeply connected with the image changes so the visual bifurcation correspond to the sounds bifurcation. Manipulating the process...
  • Stanze -
    ... is able to analyze the scene, to detect the movements and to codify they in terms of action on the image and to play sounds connected with the movements of the observer. On the screen the artists superimpose predefined images with that ones of the...
  • ... of cultural gap asa well as international cultural exchange very much. The first result has been demonstrated in 1995, by connecting two NB's between Japan and USA. (Naoko Tosa)