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  • ... (2000) was commissioned by the Canadian National Gallery and is now in... The piece enables the user to view and listen to...
  • ... world. The user of the system can also explore a set of built-in... world generator that enables users of the system to construct and...
  • ... over the image. The participant can navigate spatially by moving over... the surface of the image. The user of the system can also select...
  • ... work is always emergent. One can also use automated chance methods... versions of the work enable the user of the system to substitute...
  • ... Hypercard media, that was used to control an interactive...
  • ... Viewers in the physical space can see themselves on the small monitor... "cyborgs". Viewers literally use the doll's eyes as a vehicle...
  • Difference Engine #3 -
    ...The Difference Engine #3 uses the architecture of the ZKM Media Museum as a 3D...
  • Time and Time again -
    ... to the piece's website can select which remote camera is... a large database of media is used, though it has a fixed navigation...
  • In Conversation -
    ... in the street (or gallery), and users on the Internet to engage in a...
  • bubbles -
    ... and its resultant shadow you can play with these bubbles and the... projectors light beam and cast your shadow onto the projection screen.... it is central - users interact with the work %as%...