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  • Corona Isolation Ironically, but trueArtist: Irena PaskaliComment:
  • An Ascent
    video, 7,08’ By mixing colourful abstract light patterns and fragments of figurative reality the video aims to visualize a kind of inner psychological landscape, where words, thoughts, memories, emotions and desires combine and coexist in a highly...
  • Nebulae
    acryl, pastel and marker on paperdim: 68 x 88 cm (each), series (6) Reminiscent of clouds of interstellar dust and ionized gases, this series of drawings is technically based on abstract templates derived from microscopic recordings. Thus, the...
  • Uncertain Space -
    Work in progress. Partially funded by a Sabbatical Leave Fellowship of the FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), Portugal. Developed at CeDInt, Polytechnic University of Madrid R&D+i center for Energy Efficiency, Virtual Reality Group,...
  • Homo Insectus an interactive installation Developed for the Ullens Foundation © 2020, Laurent MIGNONNEAU & Christa SOMMERER Insects are an essential element of the biosphere. However, due to pollution and the widespread use of chemicals, many insect...
  • ANTopolis - video
    ANTopolis A large scale interactive media façade for public space © 2020, Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer Summary: In the interactive media façade project "ANTopolis" virtual ants invade the city. They look for human activities, crawl towards...
  • Christa and Laurent Corona Diary © 2020, Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau developed for the Pushkin Museum, 2020 This movie was produced for the Pushkin Museum project "100 Ways to live a Minute". It shows the artists Christa Sommerer & Laurent...
  • VEXTRE, a new project involving augmented and virtual reality deals with the construction of the community's identity based on belonging feelings and tradition as opposed to politics and ideologies nationalists.Artist: Maite CajaravilleComment:
  • Scavengers - video
    Scavengers ©2020, Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer developed for the TransArt Festival at Centro Trevi in Bolzano and supported by MEET Milano Beetles form a group with more than 350.000 known species. They come in many variations and forms and...
  • Unseen brings to light from darkness, the metaphorical images of the invisible, pervasive viruses penetrating our world. By rendering these transformations perceptible a sequence of configurations emerges: First sweeping the earth, unfolding up ...