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  • Short video showing the installation of "Border Patrol" by Paul Garrin and David Rokeby. They got a golden Nica for it already in 1997 but it could be exhibited only a year later.
  • Keynote lecture at the 11th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. 30 May - 1 June 2011, Oslo, Norway.
  • An interactive installation that features a dynamically growing collection of cellphone images visually sequenced according to contributors' metadata and text tags. The public is invited to send photos taken on their cell phones adding tags to
  • March -
    In his children's novel Haroun and the Sea of Stories, Salman Rushdie describes an Ocean of Streams of Story containing currents of narrative in fluid form, "weaving in and out of one another like a liquid tapestry of breathtaking complexity."
  • History of the Main Complaint addresses issues of memory, truth, and reconciliation—issues that gripped South Africa in the immediate post-apartheid period, during which the Truth and Reconciliation Commission held public hearings to recover lost
  • Digital video installation 1 monitor colour, silent An installation using one monitor, one live computer feed (simulating in realtime the process of genetic recombinance), one rock with crystals growing over it and a tank with live fish.
  • Stills from a series of computer generated animations These works were produced using a home-built S-100 bus system employing asynchronous 8MHz/11MHz 8080/8088 (8 bit/16 bit) CPU's and Matrox video cards with home-developed digital to analogue
  • Computer Pieces 1981 -
    Digital video 20 mins, colour, silent A set of abstract computer animations based on recombinant geometries. (source:
  • Computer Pieces 1979 -
    Digital video 20 mins, colour, silent A set of abstract black and white realtime computer animations (source:
  • Recombinant Icon -
    This work was made in response to Patrick Lichty's request for a web based artwork which would critically address the icon, an essential element in most graphical user interfaces found in computer operating systems today. Recombinant Icon refers