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  • ... or ON and OFF which underlies all... The formal visual aspect of the Reflections v2 series...
  • ... at new aesthetic forms. As the sculptor...
  • ... common objects, which might be presented... soon to be forgotten. In the...
  • Borderroad -
    ... was developed for the exhibition DO NOT...
  • Blank Chance -
    ... Whether shaking fortune sticks, reading...
  • ... level or just start over again. In real... tour guide, which does not look for... Y straight forward? A city-tour guide of a different...
  • ... conceived for the school and academy...
  • Year Zero -
    ... wayward A.I. and started studying the... led to Year Zero, which was inspired by Mary... Open Call 2121 for works to a future...
    ... in a metaphorical form.
  • Oco
    ...As the cylindrical form of the three letters spins in...