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  • ... of 3 duffle bags on a public train causes a hapless office worker to be running from both the Police and a dim-witted crime gang.
  • Starbright World -
    ... Commissioned by the Starbright Foundation, Tamiko Thiel's team worked with Starbright chairman, filmmaker Steven Spielberg, to...
  • ... interventions at the Venice Biennial, presents augment reality works that float on space and invade the airwaves without seeking...
  • ... existing network - of software generated flies. The software works in a similar manner to a real-time peer-to-peer messaging...
  • ... pattern is visualized in a facial composite. This is how it works: when a person approaches the analyzer, sniffing tubes “sniff”...
  • ITCH
    ... different and complementary initiatives: talks, installations, workshops, courses, etc.
  • Garden Library -
    ... of the books in the Garden Library for Refugees and Migrant Workers in South Tel-Aviv. This is an open?air library located in a...
  • Cloud Murmurs -
    ... So servers, hidden and jealously protected, continuously working far away from our eyes (and ears). Actually it’s a noisy...
  • FLUflux -
    ...n this project selected for the Visualizar ’09 workshop at the Media Lab Prado, Jihyun Kim and I created an interactive visualization of the...
  • ... of the inter-faculty course Digital Media. Through regular workshops, a network of start-ups was created in Bremen. The transfer...