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  • ... to experience other senses like touch, sound, proprioception, the experience of time and...
  • Sleeper -
    ... link up to the work to clearly hear the soundtrack of the film and a story of this...
  • ... by fermentation from raw cornstarch sourced in many cases from transgenic corn used in...
  • ... yield. The deception is that bio-products sourced from grown and harvested transgenic...
  • make-A-move -
    ... at Agence TOPO, in co-production with Art Souterrain, Montreal (2015).
  • ... at Agence TOPO, in co-production with Art Souterrain, Montreal. The artist’s presence for...
  • [ in time time ] -
    ... attention between alternating images, sound and text. In [ping-pong-flow], participants...
  • ... conversation with other travelers. At the sound of my slight accent they would ask: “Where...
  • ... In developing Terrapattern, we sought to test the following hypotheses: That...
  • Geode - video
    ... video mapped sculpture that fuses soundscape, public art and visual projection into...