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  • In this multimedia, telematic performance, data from playing a Tibetan singing bowl filled with milk was transformed into sound and images. The imagery then projected onto a screen are abstract digital graphics, which are originally images of
  • A telematic mixed reality live-time performance between two places. A dancer performs in Canada, her movements are shown on two screens in Indiana, where musicians play in reaction to her movements. The combined visual and sound recordings trigger
  • SoleNoid
    Composed of glossy white wooden discs and sculptural structures which hold mechanical manipulators that pierce classic black and white tap shoes with ornamental brogue patterns. Each structure holds a shoe inches in the air above a small circular
  • Silhouettes *Iconique* (LICHTPHON / IKONEN 1) Video-Music-Sound-Art-Vision SCHAHRAM POURSOUDMAND Music- & Sound Artist I Composer I Visual Imagist I Poet Format: 16:9/HD Audio: Stereo Length: 9:59 Min. Year: 2019 LICHTPHON is the sound- and
  • In Giulia Bowinkel & Friedemann Banz series of ”body paintings”, the body becomes the shaping pulse. Recordings of body movements in space are coupled with fluid simulations. The generated forms follow the movement of people, translating physical
  • Primitive
    The primitives, whose components include the platonic solids, function as basic modules in every 3D-program. Within computergraphics one can assemble complicated structures from those elementary one-, two- or three-dimensional geometrical shapes.
  • A 442 Hz. - video
    Songs of the Revolution “A 442 Hz” is a digital single screen installation by Egyptian media artist Sameh Al Tawil Musicians holding different instruments emerge in front of the steadily focused camera from beyond the screen of the film (hors-champ)
  • CHAOS [Sonat 1.0, Movement 1.0] is an art project by Sameh al Tawil 2021, which focuses on the visualisation of sound data. The artist is improvising live piano sounds that are developed for a 2D/3D visual/s generation and responses, these produce
    MUSEALL (prononcer « Musée All », nom alt. : ARTGATE… nom de code) Dispositif Educatif Muséographique Artistique Numérique et Documentaire (DEMAND) Aucun musée ne donne accès à la totalité des collections des autres Musées. Les petites municipalités
  • We are at the edge between human need and human greed. No need to be inside the Matrix to see that the world is covered with data quantifying all human activities into convertible and interpretable figures. As the new part of the Mechanics of