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  • Overview The Work "Navigating and Negotiating Sound Architectures of the Night" is a major evocative multi-media black box theatre work. Its hybrid form includes 3d architectonic models that are both virtual and physical; digital video; a generative
  • After Tomorrow -
    If we consider the Revelation to John as a veritable scenario of the Apocalypse its realization (the reality always differs from the scenario) can look in the following way. There is a world where one part of the survived passed into a new form of
  • A HUMANISED BUTTERFLY NAMED LEDA MELANITIS Yiannis Melanitis physical information exhanges between organisms The terms ‘‘gene,’’ ‘‘organism,’’ and ‘‘species’’ have been used in a wide variety of ways, in a wide variety of contexts. Anyone who
    Installation and storage/sculpting system that collects the creation of digital files in real time. The system is prepared for the rendering of 3D scenes that are collected in a series of marble sculptures with a USB memory inside.
  • Langgpath -
    Kinetic sculpture that represents in real time the transfer of files from a database of moving bodies. Files of type BVH (biovision hierarchical files) are transferred between servers in the northern and southern hemispheres coinciding with the
  • An Ascent
    video, 7,08’ By mixing colourful abstract light patterns and fragments of figurative reality the video aims to visualize a kind of inner psychological landscape, where words, thoughts, memories, emotions and desires combine and coexist in a highly
  • Water Catalogue Linear Video 1984 1984, 27:30 min, color, sound A lyrical fusion of hypnotic images, original music and spoken narrative text, The Water Catalogue is a meditation on the power and poetry of water. In this impressionistic "video
  • This series of fictitious portraits deals with fighting and hunting movie heroines and refers to the baroque concept of the ‚Gallery of Heroic Women‘ (book by Pierre Le Moine with illustrations, painting series by Guy François, and others, 16th-17th
  • Zero City -
    “Zero City” is a number of elevator shafts of different length. Their spatial structure resembles a city where the role of each building is to move in a vertical direction. All the elevators are programmed the same way and act as a pack carrying out
  • Telling Motions Bill Seaman 1985-86, 20:10 min, color, sound This dreamlike, hypnotic work is structured in four sections, each of which repeats, in various permutations, key visual and verbal systems. Part One introduces the main theme — a poetic