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  • Recombinant Icon -
    This work was made in response to Patrick Lichty's request for a web based artwork which would critically address the icon, an essential element in most graphical user interfaces found in computer operating systems today. Recombinant Icon refers
  • Tristero -
    This webwork was commissioned by the Film and Video Umbrella as part of the Tristero project; a website where people can upload their junk mail for it to be manipulated or variously treated by an artist. Four artists, Nick Crowe, Jacqueline
  • Echelon -
    This work was made in response to a call by Metamute (London) for Jam Echelon Day 2001. It simply employs all the words stored in the Echelon system in a program that automatically generates texts using whatever dictionary it has available.
  • Augmented Reality public art project, 4-channel video installation and interactive online map. Tamiko Thiel augments the neighborhood of Lehel in Munich with visions, texts, maps, the dreams of local residents and scientific findings. The monumental
  • PLACEHOLDER was a virtual environment project designed by Brenda Laurel and Rachel Strickland and produced by Brenda Laurel. Placeholder was a two-person fully interactive virtual-reality system, utilizing stereoscopic head-mounted displays,
  • Inhabit the Meat of your Body is an interactive video installation / performance created using Mandala on an Amiga. Participants are taken on a roller-coaster ride inside a human body while standing in front of a large video screen. A video camera
  • Lenticular Bicycle is the first sculpture in the series to use human energy. The pedal-powered movie references the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the hacked bicycles that are roughly converted for use in family businesses throughout Southeast
  • In "Dislocative Sculptures," Goethe-Institut Second Life Artist in Residence Tamiko Thiel and the United|Dislokations|Kartell (U|D|K) used the unique physics of building in Second Life to create a sculpture that could exist nowhere else. Cyberspace:
  • The augmented reality installation "Carnation Rain" creates a space of remembrance in the Largo do Carmo square, Lisbon. On April 25th, 1974, Largo do Carmo was the site of the outbreak of the "Carnation Revolution" in Portugal. To commemorate this
  • The interactive 3D virtual reality installation "The Travels of Mariko Horo" is a reverse Marco Polo fantasy imagining the fictitious Mariko Horo as a Japanese time-traveler searching for the Western Paradise of Buddhist mythology, the Isles of the