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  • Guardian Angel -
    Guardian Angel is a fictitious corporation that offers a broad range of highly personalized services in exchange for extreme personal surveillance. The installation is made up of three elements: a video projection of a live, fairly invasive video
  • n-Cha(n)t -
    The surface inspiration for "n-Cha(n)t" was a strong and somewhat inexplicable desire to hear a community of computers speaking together: chattering amongst themselves, musing, intoning chants... "n-cha(n)t" is a community of "Givers of Names"
  • ... with audio. Characters based on folk stories and rock art were represented as two-dimensional petroglyphs. When a...
  • sexBot is an exploration into the nature of technologically mediated encounters. It seems the more alienating a communication technology; the more its users are able to project their own erotic fantasies onto their experience. Using voice
  • Seen -
    "Seen" is an extrapolation on "Watch", using the whole of Piazza San Marco in Venice as the source material. The installation is made up of 4 video projections whose video material are calculated live from a single video source. (source:
  • ... The actual performance was given on December 16, 1996 at the Art Tower Mito in Mito City, Japan. The result of the collaboration...
  • AlloBio
    Organic in the sense that it will become a growing architecture. (source:
  • And so Eduction: the "alien within", as a hybrid architecture of real and virtual, as performance, as installation and concert, opens the horizon of virtual worlds capable of interacting at the deepest levels of mental activity of the surfing
  • ... / performance created using Mandala on an Amiga. Participants are taken on a roller-coaster ride inside a human body...
  • ... #10101 is a «Video Walk,» an original, immersive, site-specific art form. Museum visitors who wish to «do» Cardiff’s piece are given a...