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  • Reflexions - video
    ... responding to your movement. Reflexions always had a visual component. (source:
  • Very Nervous System -
    ... created. In these systems, video cameras, image processors, computers, synthesizers and a sound system are used to create a space...
  • ... subtle shifts of perspective, and immense personal powers of communication, which I have in turn applied to my art practice. ...
  • Echoing Narcissus -
    ... the bottom of the well. This work is a sort of black hole of communication into which the observer loses himself or herself in the...
  • Measure -
    ... sound source, a ticking clock. (source:
  • ... on issues which have been shaped and distorted by electronic communications technologies. In HAIR SALON TV the chrome helmets of...
  • ... going through the wash cycle. (source:
  • Swarm
    ... connective configurations. (source:
  • ... with which he represent himself. (source:
  • Watch -
    ... interpretive sounds or music. (source: