Archive Search

  • TeamWorkStation -
    ... overlay" of individual workspace video images. ...
  • ... "Urp" is an urban planning workbench in which simple architectural...
  • Desert rain -
    ...In this fascinating piece the company worked in collaboration with the Computer...
  • Can you see me now? -
    ... Me Now?is part of a sequence of works (*Uncle Roy AH Around You* at the...
  • Day of the Figurines -
    ... the 'City as Theatre' workpackage of the IPerG project, a...
  • Shock Absorber -
    ... and changes are removed. These works are perceptual prostheses. They...
  • ...… is a series of works comprised of what Kac calls "biotopes", that is, living...
  • ... jigsaw puzzle, but it basically worked. For the second attempt, they...
  • Feed -
    ... beauty of the web. FEED works on the principle of a web...
  • Graphic Jam -
    ... on the ingenious artist, who is working and creating alone. (source:...